Sunday, April 3, 2011

Groucho Marxist - wire fence study

Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph showing how a Kosovar refugee Agim Shala, 2, is passed through a barbed wire fence into the hands of grandparents at a camp run by United Arab Emirates in Kukes, Albania. The members of the Shala family were reunited here after fleeing the conflict in Kosovo.  (Carol Guzy, The Washington Post, 1999)

A child stands in front of the barbed wire fence that hems in the Hmong refugees living in Huay Nam Khao camp in Thailand's Phetchabun province. 

East German border guard Conrad Schumann, 19,  leaps into the French Sector of West Berlin over barbed wire on August 15, 1961 as the Berlin Wall was being constructed there.  (Peter Leibing, 1961)

Electrified barbed-wire fence at Auschwitz

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